Admiral's daily wear

From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
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Info button image.png Admirals daily wear.png Mixed clothing - Chances of a successful move at sea: +10% if you are captain and are wearing the Tricorn, the Admiral's daily wear, and the Admiral's Sabre. - Can be won during 'the 1466 Christmas festivities.

The Admiral's daily wear is:

It provides:

It has a weight of 10 in the inventory, but a weight of 0 when in the wardrobe.

It can be found on the wardrobe's slot XII. : Outfits.


  • As soon as it is used from the inventory: it will be permanently transferred to the wardrobe.
  • The bonus is active if the character is captain of the ship and wears Admiral's daily wear, Admiral's sabre and the Admiral's Tricorn in the wardrobe.
  • Its colour cannot be chosen by opening a Mystery Box or changed by using a Dye packet.

Admiral's daily wear Admirals daily wearF.png Admirals daily wearM.png
Admiral's daily wear (blue) Admirals daily wear blueF.png Admirals daily wear blueM.png
Admiral's daily wear (black) Admirals daily wear blackF.png Admirals daily wear blackM.png
