
From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
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Info button image.png Squirrel.png On some days, he may share his meal with you. Pet that can be displayed alongside your character on his/her sheet.

Squirrel is:

It provides:

  • random event of receiving a hazelnut.
    • When you wake up, you discover that you have a hazelnut stuck in your ear. As you struggle to get it out of your auditory canal, you are sure that a squirrel is watching you, giggling inside.

It can be sold or bought on the market of the town between 50.00 and 500.95 pounds.

It has a weight of 1 if in the inventory, none if being used.

It can be found on the wardrobe's slot VII.: Pets.


  • As soon as it is used from the inventory: it will be permanently transferred to the wardrobe.
  • For the bonus to be active the squirrel has to be equipped in the wardrobe.

