Exquisite Christmas gift to give

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Info button image.png Exquisite Christmas gift.png A generous gesture for those who really matter, with a surprise that will live long in the memory. Give it to an active character on the same node as you and earn generosity points (reduced for each additional gift to the same person). Appeared for the first time during the Christmas festivities 1472.

The Exquisite Christmas gift to give is:

It cannot be sold or bought on the market of the town.

It has a weight of 1 in the inventory.

Note :

  • Gifting another character a Christmas gift will grant the trophy "Pleasure of giving".
  • Generosity points decrease only if the same recipient receives the same kind of gift again. The 3 types of gifts do not reduce the Generosity points of each other when gifted to the same character, as they are counted separately.
