Cumin beer
From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
Produced by a miller from flavoured wort. Alcohol: +1, Happiness: +1 (Strength: +1 if one or more cumin beers are consumed in a tavern with a menu containing at least one food item)
The cumin beer is:
- a regular food
- an event food:
- learnt by using the How-To Guide: Spiced beers (miller)
- obtained during the event of Silk Road by typing the Redeem code: QDGVV7I5 (2021)
- an artisanal product :
- made by the miller in their workshop from cumin flavoured worts
- made by the miller in their workshop from cumin flavoured worts
It provides:
- 1 point of alcohol (drunkenness)
- 1 point of happiness
It can be sold or bought on the village market between 5.00 and 50.95 pounds.
It has a weight of 1.
- Details of how it is made can be found in the miller's workshop.
- It provides 1 more point of Strength when consumed from a menu in a campfire on the roads, a mess on a ship or a tavern in a village with a menu containing at least one food. (bug)