From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
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A pet is an animal that can appear alongside your character on their character sheet to brighten it up and personalize it a bit more.
There are several ways to obtain a pet:
- participating in events organised by the administrators
- buying it on the market of the town
- via:
- the App:
- the Web:
Pets are added to the wardrobe's slot VII: Pets.
- Certain pets offer bonuses to your character:
Event pets
- Arctic fox
- Arnould the Octopus
- Baby seal
- Badger
- Bat of the Ankou
- Beaver
- Bernard
- Chameleon
- Christmas goat
- Clarabelle
- Doe
- Ducks:
- Eagles:
- Fishing Seagull
- Flammulated owl
- Genet
- Goat
- Great Sacred Turtle
- Grilled turkey
- Horned viper
- Hummingbirds:
- James Pond
- Jousting horse
- Lykoi, a werewolf cat
- Marten
- Mole
- Original kitchen rat
- Parakeet
- Peacocks, peahens and peachicks:
- Pet pumpkin (cute)
- Piglet
- Ponies:
- Scottish deerhound
- Small Roc
- Squirrel
- Small Turtles:
- Wolfdogs:
- Woolly friend from Connemara
Pet gallery
Premium access - Thrift store
- Arctic hare
- Belled black baby donkey
- Belled cafe au lait baby donkey
- Belled chestnut baby donkey
- Belled grey-dun baby donkey
- Black chick
- Black crow
- Black Ram
- Blue Great Dane
- Christmas turkey
- European roller
- Her Highness, the Royal Goose
- Maternal Wild Sow
- Paschal rascal
- Pet Baby Penguin
- Pet Bear Cub
- Pet pumpkin
- Rabbit
- Red chick
- Small Christmas reindeer
- Snow Cat
- Snow ferret
- Summer ermine
- Yellow chick
- White chick
- Baba Yaga's owl
- Big Bad Wolf
- Black cat
- Capuchin monkey
- Coco the pirate parrot
- Festive Grumpy cat
- Hobby falcon (8 years of RK)
- Hunting greyhound