Autumn Leaf Headdress

From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
Revision as of 18:14, 19 November 2022 by Hintair (talk | contribs) (EDIT - Image links were broken)
Info button image.png DeadLeafHeaddress.png Mixed clothing which is a part of the Fall Finery outfit, created for the 18th Anniversary IRL event of Renaissance Kingdoms. There's no denying it, you feel hot with this headpiece.

The {{{ClothingName}}} is:

It can be sold or bought on the market of town between 150,00 and 500,95 pounds.

It has a weight of {{{Weight}}} in the inventory, but a weight of 0 when in the wardrobe.

It can be found on the wardrobe's slot {{{Slot}}}.


  • As soon as it is used from the inventory: it will be permanently transferred to the wardrobe.

