
From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
Revision as of 09:26, 27 July 2023 by Theodule (talk | contribs) (Correction How to Guide name)
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Info button image.png Organistra.png Mixted object. Turn the crank, shake the knobs, and it makes music! Produced by a carpenter. +1% knowledge when studying Languages at University, if equipped in the wardrobe.

The organistrum is:

It provides:

It has a weight of 15 in the inventory, but a weight of 0 when in the wardrobe.

It can be found on the wardrobe's slot V.: Jewels.


  • Details of how it is made can be found in the carpenter's workshop.
  • As soon as it is used from the inventory: it will be permanently transferred to the wardrobe.
  • Its bonus starts as soon as it is worn by your character on its character sheet.

