There are many rivers in the world of the Renaissance Kingdoms. It is possible to travel by ship on these rivers. They can lead to seas or oceans.
Il existe de nombreux fleuves navigables dans les Royaumes Renaissants :
- The Ångermanälven:
- The Barrow
- The Kiel Canal
- Le Corrib:
- The Dalälven
- The Danube:
- the Altmühl
- the Drava
- the Olt
- the Save
- the Thaya
- the Svratka
- the Tisza
- The Daugava
- The Dniepr:
- The Dniestr
- The Douro:
- the Arlanzón
- the Pisuerga
- The Ebro
- The Elbe
- The Forth
- The Garonne
- The Guadalquivir
- The Indalsälven
- The Ljungan
- The Loire
- The Luleälven:
- the Lillaa Luleälven
- the Stora Luleälven
- The Meuse
- The Neva:
- The Neman:
- The Nile
- The Oder:
- The Po:
- The Rhône:
- the Aar
- Lake Biel
- Lake Neuchâtel
- Lake Geneva
- The Rhine:
- the Neckar
- the Kocher
- the IJssel
- the Waal
- The Seine
- The Skellefteälven
- The Svir:
- The Tagus (Tajo)
- The Thames
- The Trent
- The Turia
- The Vistula
- The Weser