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Ewes field produces Half-cwt of mutton and Bottles of ewe's milk.

field work takes 22 hours or 100 APs. It is impossible to work elsewhere at the same time. Production is available in the property's inventory at the end of working time.

Ewe field cycle

  • There is no strict field cycle. You can always have an ewe (or ewes) in the field.

Get animals

  • It is possible to buy from 1 to 4 ewes at a time, butt it's advisable to buy them 2 or 3 days apart so you can slaughter them one by one.
  • The price of an ewe is 35 pounds.
  • If there are no ewes for sale, it's because de sheriff hasn't been able to produce any with the duchy's livestock.

Animal feeding

  • You need to feed your ewes every day with the field grass (free, ?? in ?? chance of gaining weight during the day).

Milking animals

  • Milking takes 22 hours or 100 AP.
  • Milk all the ewes at once.
  • For milking you need to have a bucket in your property's inventory. Otherwise your ewes will not be milked the next day.
  • Yield is influenced by the intelligence points of the worker. So a worker with 20 points of intelligence or more provides 100% of milk production.

Slaughter of animals

  • You can only kill one ewe by day.
  • To slaughter an ewe you must have a knife in your property's inventory.
  • You can slaughter an ewe yourself or hire a worker.
  • When an ewe grows old ( ?? days is a good age because it is the average life expectancy), it would be better to be slaughtered because there is a high risk of dying.


  • If you have to retreat your character, you must know that your animals will no longer be fed. Ewes can only be fed if the village mayor has activated this feature.
  • An ewe is first and foremost a producer of bottles of ewe's milk, so it is best to :
    • Milk them as much as you can before slaughtering them.
    • Try to buy the ewes 4 by 4 to keep the milking stage sync. This is best done every 3 days (for example, if you have a 1-day-old ewe and a 4-days-old ewe, the 1-day ewe will produce less milk and will therefore be less profitable). However, a choice must be made, because if the ewes are all the same age, then it will be more difficult to kill them all without any ewes dying ...

Production of the ewe field

  • The production of bottles of ewe's milk depends on the milking period. It’s best to milk the ewes every ?? days. Also depends on the intelligence of the worker.
  • The production of Half-cwt of mutton (HCM) depends on the weight of the ewe.
    • Dying: 0 HCM
    • Bony: 1 HCM
    • Skinny: 2 HCM
    • Normal: 3 HCM
    • Fleshy: 4 HCM
    • Plump: 5 HCM
    • Fat: 6 HCM
    • Obese: 7 HCM
    • American Style: 8 HCM

Remember that the yield for the second field is reduced by 15%.

Profitability of the ewe field

No spreadsheet available at l'Office des Boutonneux (external link)
