Deck of divinatory Tarot cards

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Info button image.png DeckDivinatoryTarotCards.png This deck from 20xx still holds xx/22 cards. You can draw one card per day, and each card can be drawn only once... for better or for worse!

The deck of divinatory Tarot cards is :

It provides:

It removes:

  • 1 card from the deck of divinatory Tarot cards (card I).
  • some pounds (card VIII).
  • some states of fitness. Your character is "bony" (card IX).
  • 20 points of Happiness. Vous character is verry sorrowful (card XII).
  • the life of your character (card XIII).
  • some points of Faith (card XX).

It can be sold or bought on the village market between 500.00 and 3000.95 pounds.

It has a weight of 1.


  • You can draw one card per day, even if you have several decks.
  • Every card is consumed as soon as it is drawn, the card can be drawn again in this deck.
  • The deck of divinatory Tarot cards from the last edition (2019, 2021) doesn't give the same items than the new one (2021, 2022).
  • If you buy a deck of divinatory Tarot cards, please checked the IG description (edition, number of cards) before to buy an expensive deck with no all cards or from an other edition.


(I) The Magician It is then consumed before your eyes... Just as suddenly, another card of the deck vanishes in a puff of smoke, but which one was it? 1 card is taken off
(II) The High Priestess It is then consumed before your eyes... You feel lighter, as if you were freed from all sins! + 50% to the Virtue
(III) The Empress
It is then consumed before your eyes... Near you, an outfit which wasn't there moment ago has appeared out of thin air... It shines brightly, it's so beautiful!
Imperial Splendour Outfit
(edition 2019)
Traveling Artist outfit
(edition 2021)
Carnival of Venice outfit
(edition 2022)
It is then consumed before your eyes... You wait for a few seconds but zilch, nothing happens. /
(IV) The Emperor
It is then consumed before your eyes... Near you, an outfit which wasn't there moment ago has appeared out of thin air... It shines brightly, it's so beautiful!
Imperial Splendour Outfit
(edition 2019)
Traveling Artist outfit
(edition 2021)
Carnival of Venice outfit
(edition 2022)
It is then consumed before your eyes... You wait for a few seconds but zilch, nothing happens. /
(V) The Pope It is then consumed before your eyes... ou feel filled with faith. Have you been touched by grace? + 30% of Faith
(VI) The Lovers It is then consumed before your eyes... You feel happier. Just like that, no reason. And you like it. 5 points of Happiness
(VII) The Chariot It is then consumed before your eyes... You feel something in your pocket, it's big, and you pull a loaf of bread out of it. It seems it's just appeared here. Well, ok then. 1 Loaf of bread
(VIII) Justice It is then consumed before your eyes... Your purse feels heavier all of a sudden You find 20 more pounds in it! 20 Pounds
It is then consumed before your eyes... Your purse feels lighter all of a sudden. Thieves! Thieves! Assassins! Murder! Justice, just heavens! I am undone; I am murdered; they have cut my throat; they have stolen my money! Who can it be? What has become of him? Where is he? Where is he hiding himself? What shall I do to find him? Where shall I run? Where shall I not run? Anyway, as much as you recount, it seems that you have lost 20 pounds.
(IX) The Hermit It is then consumed before your eyes... All of a sudden, you feel weak. Very weak. You palpate your body and you are dumbstruck when you realize that you have become bony! some states of fitness
(X) Wheel of Fortune It is then consumed before your eyes... There's something shiny on the floor... Fortune favours you as you find XX pounds. between 1 to 200 Pounds
(XI) Strength It is then consumed before your eyes... You feel stronger, +2 Strength. + 2 points of Strength
(XII) The Hanged Man It is then consumed before your eyes... All of a sudden, you feel hopeless... And a song starts playing in your mind... You walk a lonely road... the only one you have ever known.. - 20 points of Happiness
(XIII) Death It is then consumed before your eyes... You suddenly feel pain in your chest, and a sepulchral voice echoes in your head: "Tʜᴇʀᴇ's ɴᴏ ᴊᴜsᴛɪᴄᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ's ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴍᴇ.". And you die. the Death
(XIV) Temperance It is then consumed before your eyes... All of a sudden, you start smiling while you have the feeling that a carpenter is at work in your head... You feel like the last time you were dead drunk at the tavern... +10 points of Alcohol
(XV) The Devil It is then consumed before your eyes... You feel a presence above your left shoulder and you hear sinful thoughts being whispered in your ear... and you feel openly agreeing to them. + 50% to the Sin
(XVI) The Tower It is then consumed before your eyes... Everything fades to black and you faint. When you wake up, you smell something awful, you are... By God, you're in a dungeon! You start pounding on the door, but the gaoler doesn't want to listen to you and tells you that you won't be released before tomorrow. 1 day of Jail
(XVII) The Star It is then consumed before your eyes... The world is changing around you, reality becomes distorted as you start flying, leave the Earth and get near the stars... Was it a group of angels you just scared away. You wake up feeling different, proud to own something others don't have. Trophy
(XVIII) The Moon It is then consumed before your eyes... What's that on the floor? You pick up a strange thing. Moon Pendant
(edition 2019)
It is then consumed before your eyes... What's that on the floor? You pick up a strange thing. Selene's braid
(edition 2021)
It is then consumed before your eyes... What's that on the floor? You pick up a strange thing. Carnival of Venice lunar mask
(edition 2022)
It is then consumed before your eyes... You wait for a few seconds but zilch, nothing happens. /
(XIX) The Sun It is then consumed before your eyes... What's that on the floor? You pick up a strange thing. Sun Pendant
(version 2019)
It is then consumed before your eyes... What's that on the floor? You pick up a strange thing. Link of Helios
(edition 2021)
It is then consumed before your eyes... What's that on the floor? You pick up a strange thing. Carnival of Venice sun mask
(edition 2022)
It is then consumed before your eyes... You wait for a few seconds but zilch, nothing happens. /
(XX) Judgement
It is then consumed before your eyes... You feel like doing some soul-searching. You sit down and meditate on what you have accomplished so far... and it's not that bad... You feel filled with faith. 3 Fruits and
5 points of Happiness
40 Pounds
It is then consumed before your eyes... You feel like doing some soul-searching. You sit down and meditate on what you have accomplished so far... and it's not a pretty picture... You don't feel good and your faith collapses, if you had some left. - 100% of Faith
(XXI) The World It is then consumed before your eyes... You start floating, as if you were out of your body... You rise and can look above the continents and seas... This seems to last forever and you enjoy this incredible view... When you wake up, the world is no different but you are. You feel like you own something the others do not have. Trophy
(edition 2019)
It is then consumed before your eyes... You start floating, as if you were out of your body... You rise and can look above the continents and seas... This seems to last forever and you enjoy this incredible view... When you wake up, the world is no different but you are. You feel like you own something the others do not have. Trophy
Luxury globe
(edition 2021)
(XXII) The Fool It is then consumed before your eyes... There's a violent wind, and a heavy sail is thrown directly at you. Nobody seems to understand where it has come from, that's crazy, but you just won a sail. Small sail
