Slice of French King Cake

From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
(Redirected from Slice of french king cake)
Info button image.png SliceFrenchKing.png Hunger: +1, a 25% chance to find a trinket - a delicious pastry - can give a trinket only during the Goose Game. Will become a basic loaf of bread once the Goose Game is over.

The slice of french king cake is:

  • an event food :
    • can not be made by an artisan in his workshop
    • earned during the Goose game event:
      • by rolling a 6 at the dice throw (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
      • by turning the victory wheel (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
      • by entering a redeem code : GOOSEGAMENOM,GOOSEGAMEYUM (2021), R7ZOPH6EKJ (2022), DXW27QG3YJ (2023), JCMU1BYWOM (2024), F6CZU47DP6 (2025).
      • by having your pawn on some cases of the board (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)

It gives:

It can be sold or bought on the market of the town at a price between 10,00 and 1000,95 pounds.

It has a weight of 1.


  • Consuming a slice of french king cake gives you one chance out of four to earn a trinket only during the goose game event.
  • Offering or being offered a slice of french king cake gives you the trophy "King Cake between friends".
  • Once the goose game is over, the slice of french king cake will become a basic loaf of bread.
