De providentia (On Providence)

From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms

De providentia (On Providence), written by Seneca, is a book that can be found in the library of some counties and duchies.


No pre-requisites are necessary to read this book.


No bonuses are given when reading it.

Idea passed on

When reading it, one can change one's belief to the idea "The Divine Being is almighty" according to the following rule: % belief after reading = Intelligence / 2

Scholastic skill learnt

No scholastic skill is imparted when reading it.


  • Comté d'Artois (County of Artois)
  • Comté du Poitou (County of Poitou)
  • County of Devon
  • Duché d'Orléans (Duchy of Orleans)
  • Duché du Berry (Duchy of Berry)
  • Franche-Comté
