
From Official Wiki of the Renaissance Kingdoms
The position of parish priest allows you to obtain:
points of divine truth.
100 points of influence.
a parish priest's badge.
a title

missing info about bonus vote in royal election: --Radoslaw (talk) 17:48, 12 April 2022 (CEST)

Masses - can change the day and the time of masses (changes will be taken into account after the next mass). The mass of Sunday, 8h to 10h UTC is by default.

You could add info that there second mass you can set at anyday (even sunday) except monday.

Purchases - to know the inventory of the church treasury. Spending money is disabled.

Missing info about number of wine and bread. and you need for someday click "buy wine and bread" button to refil inventory

ah about masses there is also button that priest must click to prepare mass, if he will not do that, the mass will not happend (parishers will get info that priest was lazy and do nothing)
Masses - can change the day and the time of masses (changes will be taken into account after the next mass). The mass of Sunday, 8h to 10h UTC is by default.

You could add info that there second mass you can set at anyday (even sunday) except monday.

Purchases - to know the inventory of the church treasury. Spending money is disabled.

Missing info about number of wine and bread. and you need for someday click "buy wine and bread" button to refil inventory there is also button that priest must click to prepare mass, if he will not do that, the mass will not happend (parishers will get info that priest was lazy and do nothing)

Change the message - he can write a message that will appear at Parish News

Here could be outside link to "message" page, where someone could describe tips about message i.e how to add link to forum(thread, post)

Publication of banns - to know the weddings scheduled in his parish. When a wedding begins, the parish priest can enter the church and lead the ceremony.

Missing info that priest must accept the wedding, if not the bride and groom will not be able to occupy the church, and also there will be no info about priest in character profile weeding info

Donate some money to your diocese - to donate money to the Diocese (limit 150 punds / day)

Missing link to diocese

Change the message - he can write a message that will appear at Parish News

Here could be outside link to "message" page, where someone could describe tips about message i.e how to add link to forum(thread, post)

Publication of banns - to know the weddings scheduled in his parish. When a wedding begins, the parish priest can enter the church and lead the ceremony.

Missing info that priest must accept the wedding, if not the bride and groom will not be able to occupy the church, and also there will be no info about priest in character profile weeding info

Donate some money to your diocese - to donate money to the Diocese (limit 150 punds / day)

Missing link to diocese

Confessions - he see the list of parishioners who came to confession in the last two months

Missing info about appointing conffesor

--Radoslaw (talk) 17:48, 12 April 2022 (CEST)